Meet The Mom Who Plowed Through Three Teens With Her Car While Taking Video Of Her Son

The woman in the above mugshot, 23-year-old Elizabeth Dove, has been arrested on grand jury indictment charges of third-degree assault, reckless endangerment, and reckless driving in Gresham, Ore. after she mowed down three freshman girls who were crossing the street on a crosswalk in front of their high school. The incident happened back on January 15, but she has been arrested this week as a probable cause affidavit determined that Dove had been recording a 19-second video of her young son in the backseat of her car a mere 1.42 seconds before the accident occurred.

Thankfully, all three girls were taken to the hospital and survived their injuries. reports:

“(Dove) is holding the phone with her left hand and was making gestures at times with her right hand,” Annamarie Shoen, a Multnomah County deputy district attorney, wrote in the court document.

Then there is a 6-second video of the phone bouncing on the front passenger seat. “Dove is panicked and there is a child crying in the background,” Shoen wrote.

According to the court document, when the teenagers entered the crosswalk, Dove “appears to have had no hands on the steering wheel.”

In the 10 minutes before the crash, Dove was talking on the phone for about seven minutes, then sent five text messages and received one, according to the affidavit. After the last text, Dove started recording video about 30 seconds later.

No hands on the wheel? Sounds like this lady should be kept off the road until developers create some sort of app that would actually let you drive your car with your smartphone. Maybe not even then. Either way, it’s a better idea than that watch.

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Via Fark