Video of the Day: Jackie Chan’s “sticky fight” from The Myth

I freely admit that I haven’t seen nearly enough Jackie Chan movies from when he was still in his stunt-performing/choreographing prime, so this scene from 2005’s The Myth was new to me. To make a long story short, I don’t know if the movie is any good, but this scene is fantastic, and should serve as proof, should anyone doubt that Jackie Chan is the Buster Keaton of martial arts movies. About a million miles away from the “badass” fight scenes you see in most action/martial arts movies these days, this one’s all about props, slapstick, and sustained spectacle, as Jackie Chan tries to fight off three pursuers while stuck on a sticky conveyor belt at the rat trap factory, as he and his busty damsel in distress (Mallika Sherawat) have their clothes gradually torn off while being slowly fed into a thresher. Talk about drama! Sexy drama! Rarely do you see a Looney Tunes cartoon so effectively brought to life.

There’s no way I would’ve given her my shirt like that. Girl I just saved your life, don’t play tight.
