A Man Named Michael Dick Was Allegedly Caught Masturbating Near ‘Tickle Creek’

Today in perfect, beautiful headline gold, a suspected serial flasher named Michael Dick was apprehended for allegedly masturbating at Tickle Creek in Boring, Ore. He was finally caught right next to a preschool on Tickle Creek Road, which makes the headline somewhat less fun. According to KOIN6 News, prior to Dick’s arrest, police had been investigating reports of indecent exposure beginning last November. The suspect would apparently drive around in a pickup truck wearing a wig (seen in the above police sketch) and nothing else, exposing himself to women he found walking or working in their yards.

Due to his status as a registered sex offender with prior convictions, Dick faces up to 15 years in prison. While it may be fun and games with these kinds of headlines, exposing yourself to people is really bad news.

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Via New York Daily News