Meet The Maryland Man Who’s ‘Naked Rampage’ Was Blamed On Bad Weed


You’re probably asking yourself, “Maryland? Are you sure it’s not Florida?” Sorry, wrong state. A 22-year-old man by the name of Paul Mounombi apparently removed all of his clothes and went on a “naked rampage” in Rockville, Maryland. He caused property damage, broke into one woman’s home, assaulted her, and tried to kidnap her infant daughter.

His roommate later said “bad weed” was to blame. If true, then that’s some really, really bad weed — terrible, horrible, no good, very bad weed:

According to police, the 22-year-old smashed air conditioning units with dumbbells, and then used a lawn chair to shatter his neighbor’s ground-floor apartment window. Upon crawling inside, still buck naked, Mounombi reportedly tried kidnapping a baby girl. Police say he then punched and choked the infant’s mother, while shouting, “Call me your king!” and “Bow to me!” Mounombi also turned on the victims’ kitchen stove burners and oven broiler. (Via)

While the woman and baby escaped, neighbors called 911 and Mounombi was later apprehended by the authorities. When these neighbors were told about the “bad weed” defense, they remained skeptical:

“That must have been some really bad weed! I mean marijuana usually doesn’t promote that kind of response,” Halpine View resident Dan Jones remarked. “I wouldn’t believe that if I were the police. I think there was something else going on.” (Via)

Wait, you mean weed normally doesn’t make you go on a naked rampage? That’s not, like, a thing? I need to make a few calls.

Source: WJLA via Gawker