A Generous Oklahoma Restaurateur Is Offering A Free Meal To A Dumpster Diver

Compassionate soul Ashley Jiron, owner of P.B. Jams restaurant in Warr Acres, Okla., proved that she’s every bit as sweet as the desserts in her newly opened sandwich shop.

After noticing that someone had been digging for scraps after-hours in the dumpster behind the eatery, Jiron delivered a message full of Midwestern hospitality for the person who is clearly in need of a decent meal. She taped notes to both the Dumpster and to the restaurant’s front door:

To the person going through our trash for their next meal,

You’re a human being and worth more than a meal from a dumpster. Please come in during operating hours for a classic Pb&j, fresh veggies, and a cup of water at no charge. No questions asked.

-Your friend, the owner

Jiron says that offering a free meal is the least she can do.

“I think we’ve all been in that position where we needed someone’s help… and if I can be that one person to extend a hand to another human being, then I will definitely do it,” she told Oklahoma City’s KFOR news. “It hurt me that someone had to do that. I will not take down that sign until they come in.”

Thank you, Ms. Jiron, for reaffirming our faith in humanity, especially after this trainwreck happened at Coachella. We all just need love and a delicious sandwich.

Source: KFOR.com