“You’ll find a good girl. If you find one that says ‘no,’ that’s the one you want.”
Alice Dreger is an acclaimed author and professor at Northwestern University’s medical school. She wrote Galileo’s Middle Finger, a bioethical book discussing her “activism against surgical ‘correction’ of intersex individuals’ genitalia.” She’s also given a TED talk on human anatomy and why we let it define who we are. In short, Dreger knows her stuff.
On Wednesday, the author attended her son’s sex education class, one focused on abstinence. He wanted to show her how bad it really was.
SPOILER: It was awful.
Dreger live tweeted the whole thing. It’s both hilarious and horrifying, an in-depth look at how you scare the bejeesus out of impressionable teens.
The kid has invited me to his health class on sex ed to see how bad it is, so I'm going. But hands over my mouth means I can't live-tweet it
— Alice Dreger, Ph.D. (@AliceDreger) April 15, 2015
Uh oh. They stuck me in the corner with my computer and there is wifi….so I can live tweet this. We still pledge loyalty to the flag, huh?
— Alice Dreger, Ph.D. (@AliceDreger) April 15, 2015
I can't stand this. They're teaching "abstinence stories" that worked and non-abstinence" stories that "led to consequences."
— Alice Dreger, Ph.D. (@AliceDreger) April 15, 2015
The visitor-teacher is telling my kid abstinence education reduces premarital sex. My kid is trying to show her studies that dispute that.
— Alice Dreger, Ph.D. (@AliceDreger) April 15, 2015
She's being completely condescending. "You can look up anything on the internet" Then refers him to site on abstinence education!
— Alice Dreger, Ph.D. (@AliceDreger) April 15, 2015
I feel like raising my hand and saying "Can I tell my sexual history, which involves a lot of pleasure before and during marriage?"
— Alice Dreger, Ph.D. (@AliceDreger) April 15, 2015
And how I've had a lot of lovers and have never gotten pregnant by accident? Yes, I had HPV! And I would get the vaccine!
— Alice Dreger, Ph.D. (@AliceDreger) April 15, 2015
Now we're hearing a horror story about marijuana use.
— Alice Dreger, Ph.D. (@AliceDreger) April 15, 2015
The regular health teacher in trying to shut my kid up referred to "LGBYT." And how the board decides what we learn.
— Alice Dreger, Ph.D. (@AliceDreger) April 15, 2015
The guy telling the "abstinence" story is now telling us about having sex as a teenager. I'm confused.
— Alice Dreger, Ph.D. (@AliceDreger) April 15, 2015
Now he's talking about getting a girl preg and them hiding it from their parents. Yup, that's what sexual shame does, dude!
— Alice Dreger, Ph.D. (@AliceDreger) April 15, 2015
Preg girl got picked on so her friends desserted her. That's what happens if you have sex, kids! Yup! Pregnant and NO FRIENDS!
— Alice Dreger, Ph.D. (@AliceDreger) April 15, 2015
The whole lesson here is "sex is part of a terrible lifestyle. Drugs, unemployment, failure to finish school — sex is part of the disaster"
— Alice Dreger, Ph.D. (@AliceDreger) April 15, 2015
This guy really thinks this story of "I fucked up for years and years" is going to lead to other kids not fucking up.
— Alice Dreger, Ph.D. (@AliceDreger) April 15, 2015
Oh and of course, now a story about a friend who OD'ed and "was a vegetable 11 years. Tore their family apart." FFS. Welcome to sex ed.
— Alice Dreger, Ph.D. (@AliceDreger) April 15, 2015
"I finally met a great girl who was brought up in abstinence, and her life was so much better. I put her on a pedestal above everyone else."
— Alice Dreger, Ph.D. (@AliceDreger) April 15, 2015
"We're not saying having sex is a bad thing. My story I can say having sex was a bad thing for me because I craved it."
— Alice Dreger, Ph.D. (@AliceDreger) April 15, 2015
"You'll find a good girl. If you find one that says 'no,' that's the one you want." HE ACTUALLY JUST SAID THAT.
— Alice Dreger, Ph.D. (@AliceDreger) April 15, 2015
Now the woman is up. "Sometimes condoms fail."
— Alice Dreger, Ph.D. (@AliceDreger) April 15, 2015
She's now telling story of condom box in which EVERY SINGLE CONDOM HAD A HOLE.
— Alice Dreger, Ph.D. (@AliceDreger) April 15, 2015
She says per the FDA 1 out of every 400 boxes of condom can be totally defective. "You might get that 400th box." BE AFRAID!
— Alice Dreger, Ph.D. (@AliceDreger) April 15, 2015
Condoms. They fail. You get pregnant. Your friends leave you. You drop out of school. Your kids end up in the army.
— Alice Dreger, Ph.D. (@AliceDreger) April 15, 2015
"Safe sex is kind of a misnomer."
— Alice Dreger, Ph.D. (@AliceDreger) April 15, 2015
It's over. I need a drink.
— Alice Dreger, Ph.D. (@AliceDreger) April 15, 2015
I can't get up. I'm too stunned.
— Alice Dreger, Ph.D. (@AliceDreger) April 15, 2015
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