Today in shocking news you’ll never believe, the movie where Kevin James gets beaten up by a bird in the trailer currently doesn’t have any positive reviews. I guess those high-falutin’ critics just can’t appreciate the beauty of a fat guy on a Segway. …Again. Falling down. …Again. Paul Blart Mall Cop 2 is currently tracking 0% on RottenTomatoes, aka a perfect Bucky Larson.
In fairness, Paul Blart 2 didn’t actually screen for critics, so the reviews are a bit slow in coming, with only 21 counted thus far. It could just be that all the glowing raves just haven’t been written yet. Of course, I can’t imagine people having to pay their own American currency to be subjected to it is going to put them in a more forgiving mood. This trailer would make an Amish kid roll his eyes.