More Captain America Video and Pics


Yesterday Vince posted Entertainment Tonight’s teaser of their teaser of scenes from the soon-to-be-released trailer for Joe Johnston’s Captain America: The First Avenger. Oh, Entertainment Tonight, you do know how to milk 30 seconds of footage for all it’s worth while superimposing sweeping graphics and banal voiceovers that distract from how cool it could have been.

Now the longer clip is available, although it still doesn’t show much.  We get to see a little more of Steve Rogers before the super serum experiment and a brief moment of Tony Stark’s dad taking off a pair of sunglasses (It looks like this serum . . . is super. YEEEAAAHHH!). That longer clip is after the jump along with the first picture of Dominic Cooper as a young Howard Stark (Iron Man’s dad) and a couple newer pictures showing off the Captain America costume.  “I don’t know if it has quite enough pouches,” commented Rob Liefeld.

[Sources: LatinoReview, FirstShowing, CBM, and HeroComplex]