A Light, Diet Whiskey Now Exists Because Nothing In This World Is Precious Anymore

Here’s the alcoholic beverage you probably never wanted, but now exists anyway: diet whiskey.

THINN Light Whiskey is a new product from a company called Sinfully Thinn (ugh, of course). It claims to be healthier than the hearty original drink we all know and love, and it comes in various flavors. Instead of the whiskey taste that, ya know, pretty much defines whiskey, customers can also have their choice of cinnamon or blueberry.

Per its official website:

THINN Light Whiskey is vacuum distilled in small batches resulting in a low temperature distilled process highlighting the sweetness and smooth wheat finish. From the clean and narrow design of the bottle to the fine and narrow “hearts” cut, empowers THINN to hold to the highest of standards. It is the most desirable and first Light Whiskey to Market.

Each batch being carefully developed, perfectly blended, strategically distilled, lightly aged, and conditioned results in: a light, smooth wheat flavor whiskey with mixable ability and character.

Note: Slicked haircut and swanky clothes not included. Nor respect.

Interestingly enough, as Mashable points out, it looks as though the blasphemous beverage might not actually be as “light” as Sinfully Thinn wants us to believe. A little research shows that THINN contains 100 calories per 1.5 oz, while a similar serving of Jack Daniels includes 97.5 calories. Hmm. At least you can say you’ve got a cool bottle? Or that you may possibly be diet drinking your way to diabetes?

(Via Mashable)