Spidey Musical Loses Geek Chorus?

There are many, many reasons to hate “Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark.” But perhaps the most notable is the “geek chorus”, which serves two purposes: one, to allow the show’s writers, none of whom are to our knowledge actually geeks, pretend the show is like the awesomest Spider-Man story EVAR (seriously) and to make sure the play has absolutely no forward momentum.

In the extensive schadenfreudefest that is covering this bomb, I’ve never gotten into how much this “geek chorus” irritates me. If you have to work yourself into the script to tell the audience how awesome your story is, you suck. If you have the nerve to do this and urinate all over something people love while pretending you care about it more than they do, you suck worse. And if you do all this at the expense of your actual story, it’s a ringing endorsement for your never being allowed to work again.

Anyway, the geek chorus is fired, just one of many little egotistical little grace notes getting dumped. Now let’s see about actually making the story interesting, guys.

[ via actual geeks at Comics Alliance ]