Interactive Billboards to Show Ad Industry’s Hilarious Sexism?

Since everybody has been making the “Minority Report” joke about these interactive billboards, we’ll spare you that one. Instead we’ll talk about how working in advertising apparently makes you almost as clueless about girls as working in tech.

First, how it works: it’s basically a big touchscreen with a webcam, which (unlike the webcams on ads that are already spying on you to figure out how long you’re looking at ads) can determine your gender…or so it thinks, anyway. We’re pretty sure once it’s in the field it’s not going to work quite so well.

Anyway, the idea is that if a woman is staring at the ad, she must be a total girly girl who likes gowns, and if a guy is staring at the ad, he’s a douchebag. At least that’s what I’m gathering from the models they use.

Equally hilariously, an Indian guy is the male test case, and the model stays honky. Seriously, it’s like they want to be made fun of.

Video of this future hilarity disaster under the cut.

Also, whoever chose the music for this video, for the love of God, fire them.

[ via the webcam watchers at Mashable ]