We Might Actually Get A Decent American Gods TV Series

Neil Gaiman’s had a really disappointing track record when it comes to adaptations of his work. Now, we’re not blaming him, as it’s clearly the fault of Hollywood boneheads who screwed up his stuff… or never got around to actually making it. But after years of getting excited about reports of film versions of The Sandman, Death: The High Cost of Living and Good Omens, we’re a little gun shy. In fact, the only decent adaptation he’s ever had was the puppet movie Coraline. (The less said about Stardust and its transvestite air-pirate Robert DeNiro, the better.)

But now there’s hope that we might finally get a decent live-action Gaiman story, as HBO has decided to adapt his novel American Gods into a TV series. The Hollywood Reporter is, um, reporting that the series is being developed by Tom Hanks and Gary Goetzman’s production company, Playtone, which also created The Pacific, Big Love and Band of Brothers.

So, with that track record and HBO’s Game of Thrones wowing everyone (even though it only has one episode under its belt), it sounds like this might actually be worth watching… if it ever comes out. (Hey, you can’t blame us for being a little negative, can you?)

[Hollywood Reporter via Vulture]