Mario 3 Light Jazz? Mario 3 Light Jazz.

You know what the Mario games could have used, right from the start?
OK, yes, boobs, but after that.
Your prayers have been answered and now we have…Mario light jazz!
What’s weird is that although this is making the rounds on the Internet, Mario and one of the great American music forms have been best buddies for a while. Partially this is because jazz went from being the edgy brilliant music of the early twentieth century to what white people play on their keyboards when they want desperately to impress that girl reading “The Bell Jar” and crying over the tragic death of poetry.
Partially, as we’ll see, because it’s funny.
Courtesy of BestWeekEver and College Humor, here’s Mario 3 to light jazz. But…

Here’s a jazz version of the original theme…

Here’s the Super Mario World theme…

And here’s a ragtime version for the sheer hell of it.
Enjoy your newly enlivened workday.