New “X-Men: First Class” Videos Give A Better Look At Emma Frost

20th Century Fox has been releasing several TV spots and clips from Matthew Vaughn’s X-Men: First Class lately.  The second clip after the jump shows Xavier blowing up Beast’s spot by exposing he’s a mutant, but it works out ’cause Mystique is into that.  Speaking of which, some of James McAvoy’s acting choices in the clips so far might make a little more sense now that he’s said in an interview, “The Charles we know as an older man is portrayed in a way that is very straight, very noble, very wise, very sage; and I had the opportunity to make him very unwise and very unknowing and very glib, rather than sage. And not meaning make him stupid — he is a genius — but I think at this stage in his life he is more selfish.”

The last two videos are just run-of-the-mill TV spots that don’t seem to have anything new.  The first video might be new to you, however, as it aired during “American Idol” and do people still watch that show?  I thought it was replaced with reruns of House. (Will he take pills? Will they discover the mystery disease after 54 minutes of near-death emergencies and sexual harassment?  Who knows!)  Perhaps most importantly, this first TV spot shows a tiny glimpse of Emma Frost doing her White Queen thing.  For like two seconds.  What a Frosttease.

[Sources: CBM, SuperheroHype, ComingSoon]