Two More “X-Men: First Class” Clips To Complete Our Collection


Did you hear “X-Men: First Class” is opening tomorrow?  This is totally the first time we’ve ever heard about it.  We totally don’t have a whole collection of clips and b-roll to augment with these two clips, thus having every second of this 2 hour and 20 minute (seriously?) film on file.  Then we totally won’t remix all the clips into the full movie and laugh at all the dollars we saved.  And we definitely won’t remix all the clips with fan art from the 4chans and make the Rule 34 stuff of nightmares, upload it to the torrents, and laugh at all the lives we’ve destroyed.  That would be wrong.

Anyway, after the jump are a couple short clips, the first with a funny line from Xavier and the second showing the kids picking their nicknames.  Their nicknaming ceremony is much more pleasant than all the ones we had as kids.  They just, like, pick their own names?  Curious.  I thought all nicknames were assigned based on the first inanimate object you were caught having sex with.  Whatever, that animatronic panda from Fierce Creatures was asking for it.

One more TV spot available at SuperheroHype.