First Look At “Tomb Raider” Shows Lara Croft Getting Gritty

Crystal Dynamics and Square Enix are rebooting Tomb Raider, take Lara Croft back to her start as an adventurer, and the first gameplay video was unveiled at E3 this week.  Unfortunately, it’s a part of the game where the player just does what onscreen prompts suggest, but it still gives a better idea of the game dynamics than the trailer.  She also has something called “survival instinct” which highlights things in her environment she needs. (Bloggers have the same thing, but it only highlights liquor stores and Taco Bells for some reason.)

More pictures, the 6-minute gameplay video, and the previous cinematic trailer are after the jump.  Here’s a fun game:  turn up the audio on the gameplay video and see how many of your coworkers or neighbors think you’re watching porn.

[Sources: Kotaku (more pictures available there), RockPaperShotgun, and TheMarySue]