Here’s Video Of A Frightening Stage Collapse During An Indiana High School Performance

A performance of American Pie at Westfield High School in Indiana ended in shock when the stage collapsed during the big finale of the production. The video above was shot by Sara Camden, the mother to the guitarist in the video, and it shows the cast of the play hitting the stage to finish out Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believin.'” Westfield Fire Department Chief Joe Lyons spoke to the Indy Star about the incident:

“We have some seriously injured people,” Lyons told The Star. “Not one hospital is going to be able to handle this many patients.”

Multiple ambulances have been requested to the scene, however, Lyons does not anticipate any of the injured will have to be airlifted from the school.

Can’t imagine the feelings going on in that auditorium, but it’s one can only hope for the best for those involved. It’s an updating story, so be sure to check back.

(Via Sara Camden / Fox 59 / Kendall Downing</a / Indy Star)