OK, so this one seems…unlikely, but one “Captain America” screenwriter, Christopher Markus, wants Peter Dinklage in the movie as the Mechanical Organism Designed Only For Killing. Because of his tiny, tiny limbs.
To be totally honest, my feeling about this is YES YES FOR THE LOVE OF GOD MARVEL DO IT THIS MAN IS A GENIUS. Dinklage is not only actually a great actor, MODOK would be a great role for him. For some reason. I’m still working on that part. But basically, if they’re going to do MODOK, which they probably won’t, Dinklage is the man for it.
And, hell, he’d probably do it. It’s a paycheck, and he gets to zap people with his mind while flying. Isn’t that every actor’s fondest dream?
[ via the Big Giant Heads at Hero Complex ]