Instead of the usual links post, today we’re going to do a round-up of some of our most shared posts from the past couple weeks. We’ll also have a new post up later. Until then, let these posts keep you company:
- The Star Wars Alphabet Guessing Game: Can You Guess Them All?
- The Best of 1960s Spider-Man Meme, Part 2
- Custom Calvin & Hobbes Sneakers by Aaron Nason
- I must posses
- The video game art of Aled Lewis.
- A Golden Treasury of Avengers Photoshops
- Middle-Aged Unemployed Ninja Briton
- Mila Kunis loves WoW
- Justice League of the Americas will make you wish for a western
- More Star Wars blu-ray edits no less ridiculous than the real ones
- Geeky Dog Costumes Have Never Been Cuter
- The Many Faces Of Catwoman.
- 7 Monstrous Cthulhu Tattoos
- Slingshot Cannon Versus A Car
- The Video Game Inspired Prints of Xiaobaosg
- This is a Triumph: Live-Action Portal Short Film
- Gamestop is Sorry They Stole From You.
- Classic Video Games As Dramatic Plays
- Let Peter Dinklage Be MODOK!
- These Metal Bras Look Super Comfortable.
- The Alternate Histories of Matthew Buchholz
VIDEO AND GIF BELOW: This puppy found the perfect spot to chill. |via TheFrogman|
[Pictures via AnimalsOnDrugs and Catasters]