Katwoman XXX Takes Itself Surprisingly Seriously

I understand the sexual appeal of Catwoman. She’s smoking hot, dressed in black leather. She’s feminine, feline and athletic. So I can see why you’d want to see a porno about her.

The Joker, on the other hand, is one of the greatest (fictional) psychopath villains of all time. Read comics where he kills children, terrorizes hospitals, etc. Does anyone really want to see him getting sucked off?

The answer is clearly a resounding yes.

I’ve now seen the Joker throw around his mean little clown around in multiple XXX Batman-themed feature films and appears he’s making another appearance in Katwoman XXX, the gritty Catwoman themed porn being released by Blue Bird Films on September 27th. I honestly don’t understand the appeal. Would it really be so weird to make Poison Ivy the villain? Or Talia al Ghul? It just seems like they would be a much more natural fit for fapping.

Then of course Two-Face appears to be in Katwoman, which is just way outside my comfort zone. He’s a burn victim!

In any case, this new Katwoman XXX is following the trend of making relatively high end super hero porno parodies with plenty of special effects. It looks like it even has a pretty decent plot! Check out the safe for work trailer after the jump.