To ring in the changes on our regular Friday cosplay feature, we’ve decided to make every other week a special theme week! In addition to our monthly cosplay contests, we’ll also be picking themes randomly plucked out of thin air that we think our readers would enjoy. This week, we present a special X-men themed week, spotlighting what we think is some of the best X-men related cosplay from around the world.
Gamma Squad is committed to giving a voice to the cosplay community. Each week we spotlight our favorite costumes and each month we host a cosplay contest. We’ll be picking a theme for each month and inviting cosplayers, costumers and photographers to submit related pictures of their work to our Flickr group to be considered. We’ll then pick our top choices and post them on Gamma Squad for the adoration of all.
The themes for this month is:
In the meantime, let’s continue with this week’s X-men themed selection!
Emma Frost and Cyclops cosplayers at Dragon*Con 2009. Photo by LJinto. Source: Flickr
Starting off today’s special X-men theme, some fantastic cosplay from Scott and Brittany, recreating Cyclops and The White Queen’s costumes from Astonishing X-men in meticulous detail.
Storm cosplayer at Otakon 2011. Photo by Anna Fischer. Source: Flickr
A fantastic shot of a fantastic cosplayer at this year’s Otakon. She definitely has the regal air to pull off an amazing Storm.
Wolverine cosplay at Miami Comic Con 2011. Photo by Insane_pencil. Source: Flickr
This Logan cosplayer pops up at a number of cons and we think he makes a fantastic Wolverine. Kudos!
Psylocke cosplay by camilliette. Source: Deviantart
An incredible Psylocke costume made even better by a great shot. Applause to both cosplayer and photographer here!
Gambit Cosplay by Conrad Crane at San Diego Comic-Con 2010. Photo by LynxPics. Source: Flickr
Proving you don’t need a huge budget to pull of a costume that captures the essence of a character!
Phoenix cosplay by mollyisacatlady on Deviantart. Source: Deviantart
Jean Grey has to be one of the most popular characters to cosplay. Mollyisacatlady stands out in this memorable shot of her fantastic costume, taken by isamu85.
Nightcrawler cosplay at Megacon 2011. Photo by Bodhi Tree Photography. Source: Flickr
An incredible take on Nightcrawler, in a costume from his Excalibur days. Nightcrawler + Sword = Instant cool.
Jubilee cosplay by AJ Abuda via The Philippine X-men Cosplay Team. Source: MikeFrias
Those of us who grew up watching the 90s X-men cartoon remember Jubilee with fondness and this cosplay definitely deserves a place in our listings.
Magneto cosplay at San Diego Comic-Con 2011. Photo by Jason.E.N. Source: Flickr
A comics influenced Magneto cosplayer showing his skills. And all credit to him!
Rogue cosplay by Dia. Photo by Eurobeat King. Source:
There’s some pretty stiff competition amongst Rogue cosplayers to pull off the perfect costume, but Dia comes pretty close, we’re sure you’ll agree!