Stephen King Is Writing a Sequel to “The Shining?”

No, sadly, it’s not called “The Shinning.” It’s called “Dr. Sleep”, and apparently it involves Danny Torrance and vampires pretending to be old people. Wait, wouldn’t that make it a sequel to “Salem’s Lot?”

Here’s the thing: we’re not opposed to a sequel to “The Shining”, but we’re just not sure that it’s needed in the first place. Back when King had his weird phase in the ’90s, like he was trying to make up for all that time he lost on cocaine, he tweaked the ending of the godawful miniseries to have Danny Torrance graduate from high school with Jack’s spirit in attendance, and even that felt a little weird.

Having him as an orderly who does magic euthanasia on dying people and fighting old vampires? That’s just…weird.

Video of King reading a passage about said old vampires after the jump:

[ via the young werewolves at Topless Robot ]