So, we’ve got two clips from the “Batman: Year One” animated movie coming out next week…and it looks like a suckfest, if we’re being honest.
First off, there’s the Catwoman short included that you’ve probably heard about, featuring Catwoman in a stripclub with her suit unzipped. Honestly, it’s not nearly as bad as some people are making it out to be, if for no other reason than it’s still light-years more enlightened and far less idiotic than what Winick vomited all over newsstands last month. No, the terrible part is when Batman shows Commissioner Gordon’s wife his dong.
We’re not kidding. He flashes his dong. To Gordon’s wife. This happens. Clips and some more analysis under the jump.
It’s weird to see the latter clip because it’s faithful to the comics, to some degree, but not nearly as cinematic as Dave Mazzucchelli’s artwork on the original comic. It’s like they tried to balance that work with that anime that’s so popular these days, don’tchaknow, and it didn’t quite work.
As for that Catwoman clip…oh for…I give up, DC. Seriously.
[ Catwoman comes via Topless Robot, while Bruce’s dong is courtesy of the Mary Sue. Thanks, MS. Thanks a lot. ]