Yes, Your Penis Can Try To Kill You


Here’s the bad news: Your penis can lead to your death. Here’s the good news: You can get the head removed and everything will be okay. Wait, did I say bad news? Sorry, I meant terrifying.

A New Jersey man was admitted to the hospital with a rare form of blood poisoning that affected the lower half of his body, leaving him with painful, gangrenous lesions where normal skin had once been. The Daily Mail reports that aside from blood poisoning, the unnamed man was suffering from necrosis, a condition in which the skin dies, and needed strong medication to control his unbelievable pain. And his penis? Well, that was just a lost cause.

Once the diagnosis was made, the man was taken for emergency surgery and the head of his penis – called the glans – was removed in a four hour operation.

‘Surgeons cut all the necrotic, dead tissue away until they got to normal tissue,’ Dr Sarkis said.

A catheter was inserted into his penis so he was able to urinate, and the man was left with a fully functioning organ afterwards, he added.

That’s a story the grandkids will love. Fortunately, the man recovered (physically, if not psychologically) and lived to tell the tale of having his glans removed. Unfortunately, he later succumbed to pneumonia, but as far as causes of death go, you’ve got to admit that that’s just a little better than “death by angry penis.”

(Source: The Daily Mail)