Oh, Is Khan In “Star Trek 2” Or Not?

You know what? We’re sick of this. “Star Trek” was a hit, guys, and it’s not like you or Paramount really care that much about the hardcore fans anyway. If you did, you wouldn’t have made “Star Wars, Except Han Is Like Luke Or Something And There’s No Force”. You don’t need to milk this for extra publicity.

Anyway, Simon Pegg has read the script and he says that the name “Khan” doesn’t come up once. Also, one of the producers, Bryan Burk, stated that:

In this case, we chose to do something we thought would be original and unique and different, and I think on paper, we made the right choice.

We’d feel a lot better about that if the last one hadn’t featured Kirk running away from dinosaurs. We’re a little worried about what this lot of producers and writers thinks is “unoriginal”? Fart jokes?

[ theirs is superior at Blastr ]