Nintendo's Bizarre "Pokemon in Feudal Japan" Mash-up is Coming to North America

A few months ago we all had a good chuckle when it was revealed Pokemon would be crossing over with the hardcore historical strategy series Nobunaga’s Ambition. Most of us just chalked it up to Japan being Japan and assumed that Pokemon + Nobunaga’s Ambition would never be coming to North America. Well, we were wrong.

Yup, Pokemon + Nobunaga’s Ambition has been renamed Pokemon Conquest and will be released in America on June 18th. So this proves it — Nintendo of America will literally publish anything with the word Pokemon in the title.

Want to get a sense of how this weird mash-up plays? You can check out a Japanese trailer after the jump…

It should be noted that Pokemon Conquest isn’t a 3DS game, so for those of your still clutching to your DSes and resisting the 3DS, well, um, this is the one game you’re getting in 2012. Enjoy?

via Nintendo Life