Star Wars Infographics Have The Information Every Jedi Needs

Never tell me the odds.

The OSKOUI+OSKOUI ad agency created some Star Wars infographics because they know nothing drives geeks to your site quite like Star Wars stuff and infographics, except maybe if you can also incorporate KATE UPTON BIKINI WHIPPED CREAM WRESTLING MEGAN FOX while perhaps BEYONCE and LADY GAGA are there to get some FREE CREDIT REPORTS and COUPON CODES to play ONLINE POKER. *Cashes check from Google*
Anyway, their plan worked. I never heard of them until they made these great Star Wars infographics to give us the information we need to survive in this fast-paced wampa-eat-wampa universe. Check them out on the next slide.
[Hat tip and a hit of glitterstim to GeeksAreSexy.]

A couple more pictures are available at OSKOUI+OSKOUI.