Having Trouble Beating the Original Mega Man? Here's Help From a 12-Year-Old from 1990

So, show of hands, who out there used to record themselves playing games on VHS tapes? I know I did. Being able to, relatively easily, record footage of your gaming sessions is one of the things I miss most about the VCR era. Somewhere out there, there are tapes full of me haplessly making my way through Phantasy Star, Sonic and Zelda games.

Chris Bucci took it a step further. Back when he was twelve he recorded an entire strategy guide for getting through Mega Man, and it’s surprisingly good. I’m not sure how he stays so calm throughout the video — I would have been swearing a blue streak. Or, you know, a 12-year-old blue streak, featuring hardcore profanity like “ass” and “damn”.

Anyways, hit the jump and get ready to be schooled at Mega Man…

I’m pretty sure I never made it past that part where you needed the secret weapon to progress. 80s me didn’t abide backtracking.

via Kotaku