Happy "Prometheus" Day! Here's All The Video We've Got

In case you hadn’t noticed, we’re somewhat excited for “Prometheus”, the kinda sorta not really but maybe possibly “Alien” prequel.
But one thing that’s been scarce is, well, information. Seriously, Scott and company have done a pretty good job on sitting on a lot of key details.
Far be it from us, however, not to share what we’ve got with you. And if, for some reason, you’re not excited, here are a whole bunch of reasons to be.
Here are the clips, the featurettes, the viral videos and the trailers, all in one place, to prime yourself for the fun. We’ve avoided any major, major spoilers, like creatures, so if you’re trying to go in mostly unsoiled, there’s still plenty to see.

Does “distressing” include being naked on screen, because you do that a lot, David.

You know, “Don’t touch anything” is kind of like “I’ll be right back” in these movies.
See you in the theater this weekend!