The Internet Fittingly Lambasts The Ridiculous 'Catwoman #0' Cover

Seriously, DC?

The person with an apparently broken spine above is supposed to be Catwoman. This is Guillem March’s cover for Catwoman #0, which will tell “the secret origin of Selina Kyle”. Or, as DCWKA puts it, “the origin of Catwoman’s @ss and how it got so round and prominent and why her right buttock is so much bigger!”

Anatomically-challenged drawings of female characters with broken spines to show T&A simultaneously isn’t a new thing in comics — see this gallery, Kate Beaton’s Strong Female Characters, and the alternate Avengers poster for more examples — but it’s particularly sad when it’s done to a major character on the cover of a zero issue. Really, DC? That’s the cover you’re going with? Human women don’t bend that way. Not even cat women. My cat doesn’t even bend that way, and Lord knows she tries, the little hussy.

Below you’ll find over a dozen parodies of this monumentally stupid cover. Because when major comics publisher cares this little about their many female readers (and male readers who aren’t troglodytes), we’ve got to point and laugh.



Josh Rodgers of Mushface Comics draws the next logical step. Are we sure this isn’t just the first draft of the actual cover? [via]

“Figure 1 is the issue cover. Figure 2 is the closest I could get to duplicating it in Daz3D without breaking the model’s back. Figure 3 is the same exact pose as Figure 2, just from the side. You’ll notice some of the differences: The pose, specifically the relationship of butt to bosom. The right arm placement, which is impossible without dislocating her shoulder. Her head placement can’t be duplicated. If you look at Figure 3, you’l notice that the curve of her back is already incredibly pronounced, even in this truncated pose.” — Giaaeron


Kate Beaton of Hark! A Vagrant! has been tweeting Catwoman art [via]

Kate Beaton of Hark! A Vagrant! has been tweeting Catwoman art [via]

Kate Beaton of Hark! A Vagrant! has been tweeting Catwoman art [via]

“I’m glad DC Comics finally figured out how to make this cover to The Invisibles (R) even sexier. ‘hay catwoman hay did it hurt when wile e coyote dropped an anvil on you from heaven and turned you into a sexxxy walking accordion'”Buddyblanc


“You, too, can have your very own Catwoman bouncy ball.” — Doctor Disaster

“So, you want to show both t!ts AND @ss on a character with feline attributes? Here you go, DC Comics. You’re welcome.” — Megan Rosalarian Gedris

“Matrix cat reviews your sh*tty art.” — Doctor Disaster
