‘The Dark Knight Legacy’ Is A Fan Made Short Sequel To ‘The Dark Knight Rises’

This week in Indiegogo crowd-funding news, a group of Batman fans is currently trying to raise between $30,000 and $90,000 to produce The Dark Knight Legacy, an unofficial sequel to Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rises that would take place one year after Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle left Gotham City for a little R&R in Europe. In Legacy, Gotham is being “protected” from villains like the Penguin and the Ventriloquist by the Red Hood, who, unlike Batman, actually kills his targets.

Catching up where Rises left off, John ”Robin” Blake has fulfilled his own superhero destiny as Nightwing, and he sets out to help the police put an end to Red Hood’s counterproductive crime fighting. Director Brett Register and his team put together a 7-minute clip of what fans can expect if they reach their Indiegogo goal, and it’s ambitious if nothing else.