Anonymous has shifted their hacktivist gaze away from Donald Trump for the time being and has shut down the official website of Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. The Loyal White Knights are the most militant and violent chapter of the KKK, and are infamous for killing three civil rights activists in the 1960s. In recent years, the Loyal White Knights have fallen on hard times. Infighting and distrust amongst members have weakened their cause, but a recent uprise in turbulent race relations and the power of the internet have seen them making attempts at relevance once again.
And so, Anonymous-linked Ghost Squad did what Anonymous does best and crashed the website of the Loyal White Knights across the globe. Hackread discussed the attack with an unnamed member of Ghost Squad.
“We targeted the KKK due to our hackers being up in their face, we believe in free speech but their form of beliefs is monolithic and evil. We stand for constitutional rights but they want anyone who is not Caucasian removed from earth so we targeted the KKK official website to show love for our boots on the ground and to send a message that all forms of corruption will be fought. We are not fascist but we certainly do not agree with the KKK movement. They are the Fascists and they are the Racists.”
One of the ironically-named GhostSquad tweeted about the cyberattack.
Anonymous has been extremely active lately. Last year, they outed the personal information of hundreds of KKK members, and for years have been active in taking on the Westboro Baptist Church, sketchy coverups as well as what the group considers fascist regimes around the world.
(Via Yahoo)