Bad Lip Reading Outdoes Itself With A Hilarious Look At The Democratic National Convention

It’s not your fault if you don’t remember Bernie Sanders talking about guys reproducing by fire or Hillary Clinton thanking her manservants at the Democratic National Convention. It never happened until Bad Lip Reading condensed the entire week down into one fine video that takes all the patriotic craziness of Philadelphia and makes it crazier. There’s Bonsai trees, discussions on seducing Donald Trump, mentions of Khaleesi and Charmander, and Bill Clinton sounding like elderly Matthew McConaughey.

Where the main attraction of the RNC for Bad Lip Reading was Ted Cruz dumping on Donald Trump, they’re spoiled for choice with the DNC and give us an all-star breakdown that even includes that awkward Broadway singing segment and Alicia Keys performance on Day two. They even found a way to make Michelle Obama’s speech even better, but tossing in that key Game of Thrones reference and “reporting a dragon or two.”

It might not be on the level of the NFL roundups we know and love, but it’s up there. I’d rather watch a half hour of this than High School Musical, but that’s just me. I’ll take a tight five minutes over nothing, especially if it’s just clips of Bernie Sanders meandering through random thoughts.

(Via Bad Lip Reading)