Colbert, Stewart Make A Mockery Of Gingrich

Poor Newt Gingrich. In the week since the thrice-married family values “ideas man” of the GOP announced that he was running for president, he’s suffered one indignity after another. He blasted the regressive ideas of his party’s fringe, the conservative flank which now has the party by the balls, and caught heat for it. One tea party person in Iowa told him, to his face, that he was a disgrace to the party. It was revealed that the “fiscal conservative” once owed between $250,000 to $500,000 to Tiffany’s for charges to his fancy jewelry credit account. He had glitter dumped all over him by a gay activist. He’s looked positively reptilian when trying to talk his way out of the controversies, as is his proclivity, and then he blamed the media for all his follies. Nobody loves Newt Gingrich. Nobody. It’s enough to make you almost feel sorry for Newt Gingrich. Almost.

Actually no, no one should feel sorry for Newt Gingrich.

Naturally, the Daily Show and Colbert Report had last night field days ripping Newt new orifices. After all, it’s slithery, double-talking slime like Gingrich for that both shows exist to mock, ridicule and expose as Herculean frauds, and we are all better of for it. For at the end of the day, after we’ve felt compelled to put our heads through plates of gas in frustration over the idiocy of American politicians, it’s nice to be able to sit back and laugh at them while we scratch our balls.

“Is Newt Gingrich having trouble staying on message?,” Colbert asked last night. “Not if Message is the name of his receptionist!”


Here’s Colbert going to town on Newt last night…

And here’s Jon Stewart doing the same…