Former Disney star Adam Hicks, who appeared in the Mouse House show Zeke and Luther from 2009 to 2012, has been arrested in Los Angeles under suspicion that he and his girlfriend are responsible for a string of armed robberies. TMZ first reported the arrest, citing a source that said Hicks, 25, and his girlfriend, identified by Variety as Danni Tamburo, 23, “would go up to people walking in the San Fernando Valley area, stick a gun in their face and demand money, cellphones and other items.” Multiple victims were elderly women in their 70s.
Hicks, who was previously arrested in 2017 for battery and firing a gun, was arrested Wednesday afternoon. He’s currently being held on $350,000 bail. According to the police, the first robbery occurred at 5:15 a.m. Three additional robberies then happened in rapid succession, with each witness giving a similar description of the two suspects and their vehicle.
After tracking down the car, police recovered some of the stolen property at the car and detained a third women, said to be connected to either Hicks or Tamburo. After a SWAT served a search warrant at the couple’s home nearby, the two were arrested. Tamburo, who is said to have driven the getaway vehicle, was also held on $350,000 bail. Since the pair allegedly used (but did not fire) a gun during the robberies, they could face over a decade in prison if convicted.