Concern over a recent Legionnaire’s disease outbreak in Orange County has prompted The Happiest Place on Earth® to take action.
According to a report from The Orange County Register, officials are investigating 12 cases of Legionnaires’ disease that were contracted by people from or visiting the Anaheim area. Eight of the twelve cases relate to persons visiting Disneyland, as well as someone who worked at the tourist destination.
In response to the health issue, Disneyland voluntarily shut down two cooling towers (which are inaccessible to guests) that was found to have elevated levels of the bacteria associated with the disease. Walt Disney Parks and Resorts chief medical officer Dr. Pamela Hymel noted in a statement on the matter that Disney was informed on October 27 about the potential link the park had to the recent Legionnaires’ disease reports.
“We conducted a review and learned that two cooling towers had elevated levels of Legionella bacteria,” said Hymel. “These towers were treated with chemicals that destroy the bacteria and are currently shut down.”
The age range of those that contracted the disease during this concentrated period goes from 52 to 94. There is one casualty reported in those twelve cases. The deceased was not among the persons that visited the park.