On Friday, the latest National Climate Assessment determined humans were “extremely likely” to be the primary cause of climate change in recent years. The report’s findings, which were approved by 13 different federal agencies, were also given a seal of legitimacy by the White House itself — albeit one President Trump’s administration really had no choice but to provide. Even so, the assessment’s conclusions have not deterred EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt in his quest to roll back the Clean Power Plan, one of President Obama’s key climate change initiatives. According to USA Today, said rollbacks are proceeding as planned.
In an interview with the national paper on Tuesday, Pruitt said the agency is “taking the very necessary step to evaluate our authority under the Clean Air Act,” adding: “[W]e’ll take steps that are required to issue a subsequent rule. That’s our focus.” As for whether or not the recent National Climate Assessment has “any bearing” on the EPA’s current plans, the EPA administrator — who once sued the Obama administration over this very plan — says it doesn’t. “It doesn’t impact the withdrawal and it doesn’t impact the replacement,” he explained.
“Our job is to administer statutes,” Pruitt continued. “We have to act (based) on the authority given to us by Congress.” Then again, considering the Trump administration’s general attitude toward all things climate change, it’s difficult not to see the EPA’s apparent disregard for the climate change report’s findings as anything other than political.
(Via USA Today)