After a two-week search for Ethan Couch and his mother Tonya by Texas authorities, it was a harmless call to Domino’s that led authorities to the teen and his mother as they hid in Mexico on the lam. Yes, the tale of “affluenza” teen Ethan Couch continues to get stranger with each passing day, and the details of their Mexican “vacation” from justice continues to paint a picture of a family that doesn’t care for consequences.
Employees of the Mexican resort hotel they stayed at while in hiding have come out and said that not only was a gun found in their hotel room, but Ethan needed his mother to bail him out of a gentleman’s club bill that he couldn’t pay.
The Dallas News got the scoop on this weird, but somewhat expected detail:
Ethan Couch spent most of his time in their room, but he went out one night to a gentleman’s club.
That in itself wasn’t unusual. “A young man going to a men’s club? How normal is that?” Meza said.
Then a waiter and manager from the club came back with him to the hotel because he didn’t have enough money to pay his bar tab. Meza had to wake Tonya Couch to come downstairs and cover the bill before the club employees would leave.
“Then I found out about his past and thought that too was really odd,” she said. “He didn’t have enough money to pay the bar bill, and his mother had to bail him out.”
If you weren’t aware of this affluent saga of shirking social responsibility, Couch and his mother allegedly drove to Mexico after a video surfaced showing Ethan playing beer pong, which was a violation of his ten-year probation he received after killing four people while drunk driving in 2013. After authorities caught up to them, Tonya Couch was deported, and now is facing down a $1 million dollar bail after being charged with hindering the apprehension of a felon.
With his mother in detention in Los Angeles, Ethan is still in Mexico. His family’s lawyers offered up the following statement on his immediate future:
“We believe that, until the Mexican Federal Judge enters an appropriate order authorizing it, Ethan will not be returned to the United States. We are uncertain how long the legal process in Mexico will take or how it will ultimately be resolved.”
But what now? Will they get out of this too?
(Via Gawker)