George H.W. Bush Has Been Moved To Intensive Care And Barbara Bush Has Also Been Hospitalized

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Hours after news broke that former President George H.W. Bush had been hospitalized over the weekend in Houston, Texas, his condition reportedly worsened. What’s more, the 92-year-old retired politician’s wife and former First Lady of the United States Barbara Bush was also admitted after she suffered from a series of debilitating coughing fits and fatigue. NBC Nightly News broke the updates on Twitter when Micah Grimes detailed the updated conditions of both in a series of tweets.

After stating that Bush Sr. had been “admitted to [the] intensive care unit” at Houston Methodist hospital for a “procedure to protect and clear [his] airway,” Grimes added that Barbara was also hospitalized “after experiencing fatigue and coughing,” per a family spokesperson.

CNN confirmed the new reports with the Bush’s spokesperson, Jim McGrath, who explained Bush Sr. was suffering from “an acute respiratory problem stemming from pneumonia.” As a result, he added, “Doctors performed a procedure to protect and clear his airway that required sedation.” McGrath’s latest statement offered no other details about Barbara’s hospitalization, but did stress that her admittance was done “as a precaution.”

As this is a developing story, more information will be added once it becomes available.

(Via NBC Nightly News & CNN)