Hundreds Of Thousands Take To The Streets For Women’s Marches Against Trump Around The Globe

As numerous people are participating in the Women’s March across the globe, Gloria Steinem set the tone of the protests in Washington, D.C. The feminist icon and co-chair of the Women’s March on Washington discussed the significance of Saturday’s protests saying it will be a “day that will change us forever.”

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While Washington, D.C. was the headquarters of the Women’s March, there were countless others occurring across the globe. Protestors in the U.K., Berlin, and Sydney also walked in solidarity with the U.S. protestors protesting the presidency of Donald Trump.

Back in D.C., Steinem delivered some opening remarks thanking everyone who came out and discussed the significance of the day:

“We have people power and we will use it. Thank you for understanding that sometimes we have to put our bodies where our beliefs are. Sometimes pressing send is not enough…This is the upside of the downside. This is an outpouring of energy and true democracy like I have never seen in my very long life. It is wide in age, it is deep in diversity.”

She took the time to commend past leaders like the Obamas, Bernie Sanders, and Hillary Clinton who fought for women’s rights but saved her most biting commentary for Trump:

“Trump and his handlers have found a fox for every chicken coop in Washington. A twitter finger must not become a trigger finger…grandiosity, impulsivity, hypersensitivity and an apparent inability to distinguish between fantasy and reality … was on full display in his inaugural address yesterday…No more asking daddy. We are linked; we are not ranked, and this is a day that will change us forever because we are together.”

While she was not on hand during the march, Hillary Clinton tweeted out her support to all those attending:

The March thus far been peaceful, which is a stark contrast from the Inauguration Day protest which saw more than 200 people arrested. Another big difference today seem to be the turnout for the event across the country, especially in D.C. and Chicago where so many turned out that the march had to be turned into a rally:

The marches seemed to be marked by unity and a strong turnout that seems to be surprising to many in the media.

(Via The Huffington Post & ABC News)