Greta Gerwig came under fire at the Golden Globes after seeming to dodge a question about Woody Allen during her backstage interview after the show. When asked about her work with Allen, Gerwig only said she had “thought deeply” about her role and still hadn’t fully decided where she came “on one side or the other.” Considering the night and the “Time’s Up” movement, these comments fell flat for some.
This prompted Gerwig to open up in an interview with The New York Times, taking a firmer stance on Allen and pledging to make different decisions based on what she knows now about the allegations against the director:
“If I had known then what I know now, I would not have acted in the film. I have not worked for him again, and I will not work for him again. Dylan Farrow’s two different pieces made me realize that I increased another woman’s pain, and I was heartbroken by that realization. I grew up on his movies, and they have informed me as an artist, and I cannot change that fact now, but I can make different decisions moving forward.”
Dylan Farrow, Allen’s daughter and his loudest accuser, offered some thanks to Gerwig on Twitter, telling the Lady Bird director that her words are “deeply felt and appreciated.”
Greta, thank you for your voice. Thank you for your words. Please know they are deeply felt and appreciated. https://t.co/q7dV2yAFwH
— Dylan Farrow (@RealDylanFarrow) January 10, 2018
As for her answer at the Globes, Gerwig tells the Times that she was merely trying to make sure she said the proper thing:
“I have been asked about a couple of times recently, as I worked for him on a film that came out in 2012. It is something that I take very seriously and have been thinking deeply about, and it has taken me time to gather my thoughts and say what I mean to say.”
This should quiet some critics, especially heading into the Oscars. You also have to wonder how many others will begin to speak out against Allen.
(Via New York Times / Rolling Stone)