In her first public statement since President Trump’s sparsely attended inauguration, Hillary Clinton said that “the future is female” in a video for the MAKERS Conference. The annual event, which “brings together hundreds of trailblazing leaders [and] shines a light on issues ranging from violence against women to inclusion of men, ultimately creating a bold agenda that flips the script and creates lasting impact,” was also attended by Hidden Figures actress Octavia Spencer and Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg.
But Clinton was obviously the main attraction. “Despite all the challenges we face, I remain convinced that yes, the future is female,” she said. “Just look at the amazing energy we saw last month as women organized a march that galvanized millions of people all over our country and across the world.” (Feel free to interpret that as some subtle trolling of Trump and Sean Spicer.)
The theme of the conference was “be bold,” and Clinton reiterated the message by asking “strong women to step up and speak out. We need you to dare greatly and lead boldly. So please, set an example for every women and girl out there who’s worried about what the future holds and wonders whether our rights, opportunities, and values will endure.” She continued, with a message of hope, not fear-mongering and paranoia, “And remember, you are the heroes and history makers, the glass ceiling breakers of the future. As I’ve said before, I’ll say again, never doubt you are valuable and powerful and deserving of every chance and every opportunity in the world.”
After privately continuing to tell America that it’s “so gratifying to leave you wallowing in the mess you’ve made,” Clinton will write a book of personal essays based on “favorite quotations she has drawn upon.”