You get a bump in the polls! And you get a bump in the polls! And Hillary Clinton gets a bump in the polls! Well, that is yet to be seen, as a recent Bloomberg poll has Clinton with a 12-point lead over Donald Trump in the race to the White House. But if The Donald’s one-time desire to have Oprah join him in his quest to become the classiest POTUS in history is any indicator, then the Democratic nominee to become the leader of the free world just secured a huge victory from the entertainment industry.
Oprah (above, with Clinton at the Emmys gala in 2005) told Entertainment Tonight that the idea of Clinton becoming President is a “seminal moment for women” and that the ceiling no longer exists. “What this says is, there is no ceiling, that ceiling just went boom! It says anything is possible when you can be leader of the free world.”
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This endorsement comes after two notable Oprah moments in Trump’s own campaign to take the PC out of D.C., as the social media machine spread a rumor in May that Oprah had endorsed the real estate mogul and reality star who desires to “Make America Great Again.” Snopes reminds us that the sourceless meme, which featured a quote from the TV icon saying Trump would be the greatest President of her lifetime, is, in fact, false.
Snopes also reminds us that in 2015, Trump told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos that Oprah was his top pick for a running mate. “I think we’d win easily, actually,” Trump said, adding: “I like Oprah. I mean, is that supposed to be a bad thing? I don’t think so.” We will stay tuned for Trump’s reaction, which will answer whether or not Oprah liking Clinton is a bad thing.