Hillary Clinton is wasting no time lining out her goals for if she is elected president. Already pledging to adopt some of Bernie Sanders’ platforms, the former secretary of state is now tackling finance spending.
On Saturday, Clinton announced she would push for an amendment to overturn Citizens United, a 2010 Supreme Court decision that paved the way for unlimited corporate spending in elections. The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee is being ambitious, as she hopes to get it passed within her first 30 days in office. In a video message, Clinton said she wants to appoint supreme court justices that won’t allow something like this from happening again:
“I will also appoint Supreme Court justices who understand that this decision was a disaster for our democracy. I will fight for other progressive reforms, including small-dollar matching and disclosure requirements. I hope some of the brilliant minds in this room will seek out cases to challenge Citizens United in the courts.”
The amendment would allow for more transparency from outside groups and to minimize the influence of billionaires in the political landscape. Clinton’s proposals could signal the end of political action committees (PACs), which are present throughout campaign seasons, but are not allowed to work directly with a campaign office. Clinton herself has benefited from PACs during her campaign with one – Priorities USA – garnering $52 million. This fact may become a talking point once the election starts to heat up.
(via CBS News & The Washington Post)