It’s Good To Know That Humanity Can Still Be Awesome In The Wake Of Unspeakable Tragedy

We’re all still trying to comprehend all that has happened today in Boston. And while it may seem like humanity absolutely sucks right now, it’s times like this where we see the resolve and kindness that actually exists in most of us. Take for instance these images from the Brooklyn Academy of Music that offers some love for those fallen and hurt in Boston. Given the sports-related (and non-sports-related) rivalry, it’s always a telltale sign that some serious stuff went down when these two cities come together.

These pictures hopefully give you a bit of warmth on this cold, troubling day.

Then there’s this heartwarming bit of news from NBC Sports: “Reports of Marathon Runners that crossed finish line and continued to run to Mass General Hospital to give blood to victims #PrayforBoston

Amazing. I wonder if they’ll actually move the finish line to the nearest hospital and make the event a blood drive next year. That’d be fitting. In the meantime, sit back and slowly regain your faith in civilization after you see the outpouring of support and good will that will emerge from this tragedy. It never fails.