Ivanka Trump Reportedly Used A Private Email Account For Some Government Business, Too

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Over the weekend, Politico reported that Jared Kushner had set up a private email account in order to deal with transition business ahead of the inauguration, and he used the account to communicate with soon-to-be White House officials like Reince Priebus and Steve Bannon. Kushner’s attorney claimed that nothing of substance was in these emails and said that most of them came from others accidentally messaging Kushner’s private account instead of his White House email. Surprising no one, Jared’s wife, Ivanka Trump, also used a private email account for government work, even before she was officially a White House employee:

The documents show that on February 28, Trump — identifying herself as Ivanka Kushner — emailed Linda McMahon, the administrator of the United States Small Business Administration, from a personal domain. At the time, Trump was operating inside the White House in a nonofficial capacity. She wrote that she wanted McMahon’s agency and her staff to “explore opportunities to collaborate” on issues related to “women’s entrepreneurship.” She copied on the correspondence the government email addresses of two other federal employees, Dina Powell and Julie Radford.

Ethics experts say that while it would be a couple weeks before Ivanka officially joined the White House, she likely could have had a White House email account (as her chief of staff Julie Radford, mentioned above) at that time. Further, Ivanka sent the emails while sitting in on several meetings her father was holding at the White House. Other experts are saying that more needs to be learned to find out if Ivanka and Jared Kushner were actively trying to subvert official rules or if their violation was incidental.

According to a White House spokesperson, there is nothing to this story, and Ivanka made sure to only email official White House email accounts in order to make sure that email records were not compromised in any way.

Lock them up?

(Via Newsweek)