In the continuing news saga that is Josh Duggar’s double life, the self-admitted porn-addicted child molester and alleged serial cheater, has checked himself into a rehabilitation center with the purpose of righting his evil ways. My use of the term “evil” here should be paid attention to as the organization he has turned to for help is a place called Reformers Unanimous. According to Gawker, the sanctuary in question is basically a “glorified, bible-based labor camp.”
Religion is often a powerful tool used in any center aiming to cure people of all types of addictions. Duggar allegedly just forked over $7,500 to live at the facility for the next six months and from what I can gather, the program he’ll be undergoing will entail a lot of Bible study and, uh, not much else? This will work, folks.
But don’t take my word for it!
Benjamin Burks — the International Director of the program — made a video just for this occasion:
According to the above video, Reformers Unanimous boasts “an 80% success rate” which is…totally a passing grade. Hell, Duggar should feel quite at home here as it turns out this won’t be his first time visiting the facility, given that one time Burks’ establishment “cured” him from the deviant notions that led the man to molest those five young girls all those years ago.
The video testimonial goes on to reference curing a multitude of demons from a spiritual standpoint, yet there is no mention of any real medical perspective. In fact, the facility’s housing application makes it perfectly clear how lacking the facility is in any such medical credentials.
Duggar is set to live out the next six months at this rehab facility and by the looks of the Men’s Daily Schedule, he’s going to be keeping very busy, what with early morning wake up times and a whole lot of volunteer work (aka free labor). Aside from his daily work routine, RU will be regularly hammering the word of God into the already conservative Christian’s psyche to break him from his devious ways.
With RU’s strict enforcement of “Christ-like” behavior and conversation, Josh Duggar’s family hopes this visit to rehab will be the final visit. Hey at least his wife will be waiting for him once he gets out because — and I’m sure we can all agree here — THIS IS ALL HER FAULT.
Seriously, God help us.
(Via Gawker)