Kaley Cuoco Has Opinions About The ‘Senseless’ Killing Of Harambe The Gorilla

This past Memorial Day weekend filled itself with developments related to Harambe, the 17-year-old gorilla who lost his life at the Cincinnati Zoo. On Saturday, the animal enjoyed a normal day in his enclosure until a 4-year-old boy landed nearby, and before a crowd of spectators could blink, the gorilla had dragged the child through the moat area. Unsettling video footage was followed by an extended view, which caused internet observers to believe the gorilla was only trying to protect the boy and shouldn’t have been killed. Unfortunately (and as Jack Hanna pointed out), a 400-pound gorilla doesn’t necessarily know his own strength and was an unpredictable source of danger no matter the intent. A witness report further hammered home the sad situation, which ended in an inevitable tragedy.

Many people continue to be disgusted and outraged over the animal’s death, and folks want to know why a perceived lapse in a parent’s judgment ended this way. They want #JusticeForHarambe, and celebrities are weighing in, too. Late Monday night, Kaley Cuoco spoke out on social media:

“Im sure I will get tons of backlash (per usual) I mean let’s be honest, I wear the wrong sweatpants and the entire world has something to say about it, but once again , another senseless horrendous animal being killed over people not using their brains. If you watch the footage, you see this gorgeous animal holding that child’s hand. Do with that ,what you will. As sad as this makes me, a part of me is happy for that amazing creature doesn’t have to live in captivity another day. Bring on the hate!!!!”


Many other famous folks aired their own feelings over the gorilla’s death. Most are joining the general public’s bewilderment at a parent’s (huge) mistake, and some would like to see animals taken out of zoo captivity.


Whether or not there will be any justice for Harambe’s loss remains to be seen. Perhaps the city will use an ordinance to fine the mother, whose child seemingly escaped into thin air a few moments before the drama began. Whatever happens, this is an unfortunate situation with a loss that shall resonate throughout Cincinnati and the world for some time.