Mark Hamill Makes Sure We Know He Doesn’t Endorse Any Donald Trumps, Even Parodies

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Fake Twitter accounts are the bane of many reporters’ existences. Fact checking is tricky when there are a million different versions of the same account out there, just using a lowercase “L” in place of a capital “I” to make it look legitimate. Who among us hasn’t been fooled by a fake Adrian Wojnarowski report during the NBA trade deadline? Even Mark Hamill appeared to have fallen for that trick recently, although he probably didn’t actually get tripped up by a “realDenaldTrump” twitter account that presumed to say Luke Skywalker had endorsed the Donald for President. The situation was confusing, especially when the account sent out another very Trump-esque tweet that tagged him.

The good news is that Donald Trump himself hasn’t maligned the good name of Mark Hamill (yet), and Hamill hasn’t actually endorsed him for President in any way, shape, or form. This election already contains too much madness and bitterness between the two parties and their supporters to need the added depression of a beloved childhood icon endorsing this particular Republican nominee.

Fortunately, Hamill did provide a reassuring clue in his Twitter stream. This tweet shows that he realized this was a fake Trump account, and he was only playing along. Jedi order has now been restored.

(via SuperRobotMayhem)