On Tuesday, it was revealed that actor Mark Wahlberg was paid a whopping $1.5 million for participating in extensive reshoots for All the Money in the World. Ridley Scott famously decided to retool significant chunks of the film when Kevin Spacey was replaced with Christopher Plummer, but in a December interview, the director claimed the principal cast and himself did not receive compensation. Per USA Today’s followup, however, this turned out to be untrue as Wahlberg managed to bag some extra cash while his co-star (and the film’s lead actress), Michelle Williams earned just under $1,000 based on a $80 per diem rate.
Needless to say, social media exploded at the USA Today report late Tuesday night. Hollywood celebrities still reeling from the Golden Globes telecast’s recent #MeToo focus were especially incensed. Jessica Chastain, who has previously spoken out about Harvey Weinstein and Bryan Singer despite alleged pushback, advised her followers to “go see Michelle’s performance in All the Money in The World.” After all, she continued, Williams is “a brilliant Oscar nominated Golden Globe-winning actress” who “deserves more than 1% of her male costar’s salary.”
Please go see Michelle's performance in All The Money in The World. She's a brilliant Oscar nominated Golden Globe winning actress. She has been in the industry for 20 yrs. She deserves more than 1% of her male costar' s salary. https://t.co/HIniew6lf7
— Jessica Chastain (@jes_chastain) January 10, 2018
Of course, Chastain was by no means the first person to react to All the Money in the World‘s astonishing pay gap. Many other actresses, actors, producers, and entertainment journalists quickly piled it on throughout the night — especially when they realized Wahlberg and Williams were represented by the same talent agency.
Gross. Just Gross. When are people (male execs) going to open their eyes and realize this is PAY DISPARITY is a REAL THING. Exclusive: Wahlberg got $1.5M for 'All the Money' reshoot, Williams paid less than $1,000 https://t.co/2PhhStOKi1 via @USATODAY
— Mozhan Marno (@mozhanistan) January 10, 2018
According to Sony itself, Michelle Williams is the film's lead actress; Mark Wahlberg is a supporting actor. And the same agency, William Morris, represents both of them. Not good.
— Mark Harris (@MarkHarrisNYC) January 10, 2018
Before you condemn Wahlberg for this, consider the level of acting talent he’s bringing to this project & then condemn him way more enthusiastically. https://t.co/2t9MxTsXYu
— Paul F. Tompkins (@PFTompkins) January 10, 2018
This is so messed up that it is almost hard to believe. Almost. This is how this business works. I wonder if the studio or Wahlberg will do something to make the situation less insane. https://t.co/RsunBlOeCk
— Judd Apatow 🇺🇦 (@JuddApatow) January 10, 2018
But it was totally worth it, because who isn't talking about how amazing Mark Wahlberg was in "All the Money in the World?!"
— Ken Tremendous (@KenTremendous) January 10, 2018
If he isn't told to donate $1.5m to RAINN or Planned Parenthood or some other non-profit in the next 48 hours, he should fire his publicist.
— Ken Tremendous (@KenTremendous) January 10, 2018